Its my first post...so it would be better to intoduce me nd my Family. I am a member of Art of Living foundation, started by H.H.Sri sri Ravishankar ji, our Guruji and I am very proud of it. Through him we know, what we are meant to do, what we are meant to be. I am based in delhi and live with my family. My family consists of my Grandma, Dad-Mom, two younger brothers, My wife-Shimpa and my sweet little angel-Gunnika. I am employed as a marketing professional, and work with sincere dedication to reach my goals. I live life as it comes, never think over what happened and never worry about future. I live in present moment as Guruji taught us-Present moment is INEVITABLE. I am attaching Images of all my family members, will share more about them later.
"Me nd Shimpa during our Honeymoon at Coral islands-Thailand."
My brothers-Prateek & Prashant - Rock On!
My Mom nd Dad-boating in Yamuna river in Vrindawan


My Grandma in centre, with My nani on the left.
Most Important Family member-Gunnika, enjoying the music of life.